A Cyber Attack Every 11 Seconds”, predicts 2021

Table of Contents

Table Of Contents

1. Cyber Attacks in the pandemic

2. Nation State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks 2021

Cyber Attacks 2021 will happen every 11 seconds. With the Pandemic still lurking around for another year of doubt and unpredictability, the awareness for Cybersecurity and what 2021 holds for the cyber world is crucial to predict strategic responses for the challenges of a new year. Cybersecurity experts predict that cyber attacks 2021 will be twice as what happened in 2019. In 2021, it is predicted that a cyber attack will be reported every 11 seconds which is twice what it was in 2019 (every 19 seconds).

It is predicted that Cybercrimes will cost the global economy $6.1 trillion annually and the pandemic is helping it.

The remote working and the work at home culture that has been adopted in the face of pandemic builds a virtual framework that can be easily exploited. Like the home router is a frequent easy target with a stressed out, tired, and a distracted employee. People who lax with their personal account and shopping site passwords tend to be lax when they create or use enterprise passwords and database as well. They are more likely to be clicking on phishing emails and engage innocently or otherwise in potentially destructive practices.

Cyber Attacks in the pandemic

Pandemic and its corresponding dependency on virtual platforms and remote working have given rise to cyber attacks 2021 through over 4,000 malicious COVID sites which popped up just in the first months of the pandemic.

Unlike previous years, companies are less negligent and more watchful for the cyber issues they might face in the coming year. More companies now take the issue of cybersecurity seriously and thus look for papers such as “trends”, ” Findings “, “cyber issues”, ” Recommended solutions”, “actions required” or “Themes” to describe what happened, what is coming next and what needs to be done now to be prepared for 2021 and beyond.

It is predicted that cyber attacks 2021, more attacks than in 2020 will occur on home computers and networks by taking advantage of architecture weaknesses. With the widely scattered workforce and the increasing use of the cloud, there will be more security holes, challenges misconfigurations, and outages.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) attacks will be widely found from cybercriminals. Using Cryptocurrency, cybercriminals will play new roles with hiding advantages.

Nation State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks 2021

According to the 2020 CrowdStrike Global Security Attitude Survey report, Cybersecurity experts predicts that nation-state sponsored Cyber attacks 2021 will be the biggest threat for this year.

“As growing international tensions and the global election year have created a nesting ground for increased nation-state activity, organizations are under increased pressure to resume operations despite the increased value of intellectual property and vulnerabilities caused by Covid-19,” the report said.

In the survey, 73% of respondents believe that nation-state-sponsored cyber attacks 2021 will pose the single biggest threat to organizations like theirs in 2021. The growing geopolitical tension across the globe and major countries is the growing reason for such predictions about state-sponsored cyber attacks.

Another major cyber attack is caused by ransomware attacks. 50 % of the organizations surveyed have suffered a ransomware attack as the cyber attack in the last year and nearly 71% of cybersecurity experts globally are more worried about ransomware attacks due to Covid-19.

This year has been especially challenging for organizations of all sizes around the world, with both the proliferation of ransomware and growing tensions from nation-state actors posing a massive threat to regions worldwide,”
said Michael Sentonas, CTO, CrowdStrike.

The increasingly technologically driven society and an accelerating digital transformation accompanied by COVID 19 have driven a rise in cyber attacks. The increasing number of mobile phone users and mobile data traffic further makes the world more vulnerable to a digital space that is highly unoccupied with adequate cybersecurity measures.

So with the increased level of cyber attacks and a relentless virus lurking through the city 2021 will definitely be a year of challenges.

Also, have a look at our latest post How to Become An Ethical Hacker



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